“Untitled Compromise” (Short)

web series

“Untitled Compromise” (comedy short) 2016

Is it a short film about a family trying to make a short film, an examination of creativity and compromise, or a peek into the mind of a man off his meds?  The simple answer: yes.

“Untitled Compromise” was written, shot and finished in two weeks, as part of the 2016 Collaboration Filmmakers Challenge.  It is the second of Dan Klass’ series of short comedies inspired by and shot almost exclusively starring his real family. Like the award winning “Melophobia Americana” (CFC Best Actor in a Comedy, 2015), “Untitled Compromise” also stars the brilliant British actor Raymond-Kym Suttle.

UC has not yet been released.

Characters from “Untitled Compromise” are currently being developed for television. Nuff said…